9. Live Drawing Events
This is probably the thing that you’re on this page for. I am most known for being able to capture workshops/ talks/ conferences / conversations / events / weddings / festivals / etc in visual format - LIVE - as it’s happening, without needing any pre-information of the talk beforehand.
I’m SO passionate about making information accessible to lots of others, and to make it so peoples works is accessed again through making it more engaging. I believe that drawing is a great tool to be used to help communicate across a bredth of people and to also help to communicate things that are usually quite hard to communicate.

This is also a great tool to be able to chronologically see trends across time with team learning and data collection and experiences, but also to be able to see where the gaps currently like in connecting things/people/organizations/services together.
I work across multiple sectors, but do a lot of my drawing within the healthcare sector. Being a qualified healthcare professional helps me to be able to translate a lot of medical terminology, and my indepth understanding of commissioning within the NHS and precurment makes me an ideal artist to be able to translate healthcare stuff to a wider audience.
I have worked with multiple of charities, and 3rd sector services, as a person to work with and help reach marginalized communities, and to translate patient experiences of those who don’t speak english as their first language.
Some of my clients include: NHS England, BBC, The Guardian, Sheffield Doc/Fest, The British Council, TalkTalk, EE, Capgemni Consulting Agency, Open University, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield University, ZEST, Leeds University, Macmillian Cancer Services, multiple different Clinical Commissioning Groups, TEDx, Doncaster Council, East Ridings Council, rDASH, Her Majesties Probation Services, Lab4Living, Common Purpose, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, Manchester Oncology School, etc.
Here is a small taster (can’t show all the materials for various reasons)