Artist / Live-Drawer / [PHD] Researcher / Radiation-Oncology Grad / Collaborator / works in Public Health / Adventurer / Optimist / Creative-methods-campaigner / Photographer / Occasional Designer / Excessive Tweeter / An All Hoper / Practicing Kindness / Re-evaluating Life / Trying to make the world a better, more equal & fun place / Ramen Lover / Trying to remind people that there’s a huge difference between being alive and FEELIN’ alive / Northern Lights Chaser / NYC + Tokyo lover / Loves a colour gradient / Yorkshire Kid / wanna be surfer / rides fixie / Local Cllr.
I LOVE meeting new people
so get in touch :
Similiar to the Active Withernsea Project, Get Doncaster Moving is another Sports England Delivery Pilot site.
Doncaster is focusing its vision on enhancing safety and infrastrcuture to help enable culture change in the bourgh.
Together with the team, I have documented & Facilitated the teams learning and planning throughout this process, including a zine & even making posters for conferences.