Sarah Smizz

Here For A Good Time, Not A Long Time

Artist / Live-Drawer / [PHD] Researcher / Radiation-Oncology Grad / Collaborator / works in Public Health / Adventurer / Optimist / Creative-methods-campaigner / Photographer / Occasional Designer / Excessive Tweeter / An All Hoper / Practicing Kindness / Re-evaluating Life / Trying to make the world a better, more equal & fun place / Ramen Lover / Trying to remind people that there’s a huge difference between being alive and FEELIN’ alive / Northern Lights Chaser / NYC + Tokyo lover / Loves a colour gradient / Yorkshire Kid / wanna be surfer  / rides fixie / Local Cllr.

I LOVE meeting new people
so get in touch :

Greatest Hits

  1. Live Drawing

  2. Writings on Creativity & Adult Social Care

Chapter 1
/// 2024-2021

  1. Don’t Panic! Viva la Viva!

  2. Skate Park Murals
  3. Makers Space
  4. New Leaf & Gatherings!
  5. Camp Get Together!

  6. Arty Party in the Park!

  7. Surf dreams

  8. A Local Councillor

  9. Supporting Our Communities


  1. Care & Exhaustion (Donx Creates)


  3. Active Withernsea

  4. Giving Voice

  5. Double Agency

  6. Hospital Adventures

  7. Critical Arts in Health


  9. Camp Do It Together

  10. Get Doncaster Moving

  11. *Live Drawing Gigs*

  12. Creative Radiotherapy Communication

  13. Positive Deviance

  14. Other cool healthcare projects I’ve worked on

  15. Drawings On The Go

Chapter 2018-2010 

(A Chosen Selection of older works/projects, no date order)

  1. F/O/R/C/E

  2. ReAdvertise

    (Site Gallery Emerging Artist Residency)
  3. POWERnoid

  4. #Class

    (Winkleman Gallery, NYC)

    (Previously CAKE Artspace, Sheffield)
  6. CAaD

    (contemporary art as dialogue collective)
  7. Art School inside the Art School

  8. AREA Chicago
  9. Project Biennale

Chapter 2010 & before

  1. Utopian Protagonists
  2. Shadow Cities

Fun Stuff!

  1. I love making Spotify Playlists
  2. I love making Travel Videos
  3. I like to Blog from time to time

Coming soon
Old websites


2. Active Withernsea

One of 2 artists involved with the Active Withernsea Project. Funded by Sports England as one of 11 Local Delivery Pilots a cross the country. Ran by Esther Hall and her excellent team at East Ridings Council alongside the community. Active Withernsea is a project focusing on how to ignite social/physical activity and confidence building. Understanding and challenging “big systems thinking” with compassion, trust, understanding and creativity. 

My role is about capturing stories often hard to capture by normal data capturing tools. Being present with the local council & stakeholder teams developement, and the Active Withernsea team based in Withernsea whilst being present with the residents of Withernsea. 

This project is about devling deeper, questioning power at all ends of the spectrum, and building skills/belief/hope/activity within With. Through multiple methods that are about changing Big System Thinking stratgies. 

I’m super stoked to be part of it. 

The work is mostly drawings, but also consists of creative methods to get people to look/engage/be part of things - events/actions/publications/zines/interactive games/ conversations/etc.

We are doing a series of zines to help share the data & stories we have and are collecting for residents to respond to, see, engage with and so on. The sharing of this stuff is in a series called “WE ARE”

Zine 1: WE ARE Listening
Zine 2: WE ARE Here

Here is Zine 1 (released just at the start of Lockdown, was slowed down due to lockdown) [click to download]

Zine 2 covers week 1-7 of lockdown released as easing of lockdown is taking place. Beginning of August 2020 [click to download]

Zine 3 will be documenting the moods and behaviours with dealing with the issues of easing of lockdown and beyond. September 2020

Collection of some drawings from the gathering of stories

Some working outs and material from the project

(Photos by Dean Wilson)

(photo by Les Monhgan) 

